I highly recommend the book The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon.  In this easy to read book, Gordon paints the picture of a person who has not only a really bad day but maybe even a really bad week (and is probably describing you and me at some point in our lives). In trying to overcome the terrible things that happen, the principal character learned the importance of a positive attitude and maybe even more importantly the power of no negatives.

Around us are all kinds of bad news, tails of lies, deceit and impropriety. It seems like there is no elected official whether Democrat, Republican or Independent who can be trusted for anything. Lawyers seem to exploit not what is right but what will win their case. Morality is so loosely defined that it’s variations are never static. 

With all the bad news, corruption, changing of statements, alteration of facts and misrepresentation the abounding negativity in the world does nothing but bring people down. The result is that hope is all but deflated and it’s hard to find any reason to believe, aspire or even try. We cannot allow mankind to sink into an abyss of despair when there is still the human spirit which can arise, be awoken and redirected. If we suppress the “negatives” by not giving them a voice, not propagating ANY negative connotation or construction, it is amazing how much lighter the load “seems” just by vanquishing negative thoughts and aspects. 

At Send Out Cards, we offer one  plan called “Card-a-Day” for $37 a month. This plan allows you to send up to 30 cards in any grouping that you wish, such as a card a day for a month, or two cards a day for two weeks, 30 all at once,  a few here and a few there, etc. The point is if you look each day for someone to correspond with, chances are excellent you will brighten their day, add a bright spot or become the highpointe of what would otherwise have been a humdrum, no-nothing day. Interestingly enough, the people you reach out to will notice and they will feel better! Why?  In this world of negatives, the party you sent the card to doesn’t think they’re important enough to warrant the effort you put out in sending them a card. Notice I did not say the card had to be some work of art or some poetic masterpiece. Just send someone a card asking them how they’re doing, inviting them to go for a cup of coffee, lunch (because everyone eats lunch) or just get together for no reason other than the two of you haven’t spent time together in awhile. 

The wealth of human interaction is merely in getting together and not in the amount of money spent or the elaborateness of the occasion. Just getting together and hanging out will make a difference. But it won’t happen until you send the card inviting them. So make a difference, send a card and “Make The World a Better Place.” Read The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon.