It’s a very early 0700 at the early Weekly Marketing Group.  In walks Sheri Berger, who simply announces in a loud prominent voice: “It’s gonna be a great day because I have decided to make it a great day!”

How can you lose with that kind of philosophy? My point very simply is that attitude is the beginning of anything. Sure in the next eight hours, who knows what manner of malady or fortune will fall into your lap, but if you start off with a good attitude, whatever does come your way will be much easier to handle. Take a lead from “The Greatest Fighter of all Time”, Muhammad Ali, who declared that “every fight I have ever won or lost, the difference was my mental preparation”. I do not mean that you should simply have blind hope. Far from it.  Success takes work! Living Life takes work! Thought, study, planning, introspection, reanalysis, re-study and further application will get you a lot further than just hope. There also those that get lost in the Paralysis of Analysis. They never do anything, they never make a decision. That doesn’t work either.

So listen, it’s hard to have this app mentality all the time, 24/7! It takes energy, lots of energy. And on any given day you might be full of that energy and another given day you’re lacking. What that means is the people around you are lacking either from time to time or maybe all the time. That’s where you come in bunco. You have the ability to inject some positive energy into another individual in close proximity by having a smile and a bright cheery attitude. For those people that are more than 10 feet away, send them a card. More specifically, a Send Out Card! It’s the ultimate win-win situation when you feel better for having helped someone else and this someone else feels better being the recipient of your goodwill!. And guess what they have - vivid memories of people who go above and beyond. They’re more apt to want to do business with you or at least to consider you when you’ve done something that they do not expect. Let me show you how these simple, unprovoked and more importantly, unexpected Acts of Kindness can further your Business.                         

Have a conversation with Ralph Harold, “,” make it a habit of being happy and “Take it to the Bank.”

Ralph Harold
