Remember as a second grader you didn’t think you could climb the rope in the gym, you didn’t think you could kick the ball in kickball or contact the baseball when you were up to bat in baseball?  You were SO SURE that you could NOT do it. No way! Maybe your teacher, maybe your best friend, maybe just the voice inside your head said “Come on you can do it“!  And then there are some who didn’t hear those words because either they had no adult role model, no supportive siblings, no friends or lacked the self-confidence to believe that they could possibly do this.

Regardless of the source of the words “Come on, you can do it!”, the words were surprisingly helpful. More than just a little bit helpful, the words were greatly helpful. Now as far as physics goes, the task (i.e. climbing the gym rope) didn’t get any easier. As far as muscle physiology goes (i.e. kicking the kickball or batting the baseball), you were no stronger after the words were said then you were before the words. But there is something about the mental attitude that enables you to go after-it, unlike any way you thought possible before the saying of those words. Even the great Muhammad Ali said that despite all his training and working out, every fight was won or lost mentally. If you were prepared mentally you had the upper hand.                 

Thus, your MENTAL psyche is not only Ultra-important for you, but let me open-up your mind (wide)  how important mental attitude is to the people you interact with. Yes, YOU CAN POSITIVELY IMPACT another human being. Yes, you- the person without the Psychology degree, the person who has never read any sell-anything-to-anyone books. The characteristics of the Ultimate “GuyWithTwoFirstNames” are fostered by a positive attitude and you know what, I like it that way.  So anyone who does anything remotely nice to me or for me has just made my morning, day, week, life!  

I guarantee you don’t know what an impact your positive countenance has…it can be the catalyst another person has been in need of.  It may be life changing for them.  It may be life changing for you.  In fact, conceive in your mind of the Ultimate you…and then BE that example.  Be the example others will feed and thrive off and they will give you the energy, the drive, the endurance and whatever else you need to STAY BEING that Example.  Have a conversation with Ralph Harold, “,” Grow Yourself and everyone around you and “Take it to the Bank.”

Ralph Harold
